Expanded Pantry Hours:
- ~Monday – Wednesday – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- ~Thursday and Friday – 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
- ~Saturday – 3rd Saturday of the month – 9:00 to 12:00
The Pantry Board thanks to all those wonderful people and organizations that contributed to our Christmas programs, Toys for Kids, Angels’ Angels, and Holiday baskets. Your generous donations were such a blessing to the children and our community. Thank you so much.

- clothing for Newborn to 24 month old children (high need)
- winter clothing
- mens’ shirts
- mens’ pants
- jeans all sizes
- sweaters
- coats for adults and children
- blankets and bedding
- pots and pans
- small children toys

Our Pantry continues to serve more and more needy families. This past month we served over 1,645 people and volunteers donated over 1023.5 hours. We helped 117 families for Christmas meals and provided toys/presents to 250 children and youth. We had 87 volunteers that donated their time for a total of 9,049.25 volunteer hours during 2018. If you or you know of someone who would love to volunteer in any way, just drop by the pantry to let us know or call us 719-347-3062. Congratulations! Thank you to all our volunteers for your many hours of service to make our pantry such a valuable resource for our community. (Click here to read more and see all previous honorees.) Volunteers are the key to the success of the Eastern Plains Community Pantry (EPCP). You can make that real difference in helping serve the people of our community.January is
“Thyroid Awareness Month”, “National Blood Donor Month”, “National Soup Month” and “National Spaghetti, Bean and Popcorn Month”.
This month’s recipes…
- Cowboy Spaghetti
- Creamy Chicken Spaghetti Casserole
- Navy Bean Soup
- Black Bean Soup
- Popcorn Salad
- Winter Fruit Salad
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