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Expanded Pantry Hours:
- ~Monday – Wednesday – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- ~Thursday and Friday – 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
- ~Saturday – 3rd Saturday of the month – 9:00 to 12:00
The Mobile Pantry will be coming on Friday, March 22nd due to the blizzard and issues with traveling.
Getting the Pantry open to serve our community in need.
The pantry is in need of the following:
- canned food items
- clothing for Newborn to 24 month old children (high need)
- winter clothing
- mens’ shirts
- mens’ pants
- jeans all sizes
- sweaters
- coats for adults and children
- blankets and bedding
- pots and pans
- small children toys
We are needing your help. Our pantry is in need for canned and boxed food for our emergency food area. During these past 2 months, we have had several families in need of food right away and our supply has become low. If you can help with this request, please bring those canned and boxed food items to the pantry. We continue looking for a portable air conditioner to be used in the back supply room and a used refrigerated van or small truck for help in getting food supplies to the pantry.
If you might have those items and would like to donate them, please drop them off during our business hours at the pantry.
A huge Thank You to the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department who donated several winter coats to our pantry. What a wonderful blessing! Thank you to all those wonderful people and organizations who continue to donate clothing, household items, food, and money. Your generous donations are such a blessing to those in need within our community.
Volunteers are the key to the success of the Eastern Plains Community Pantry (EPCP). You can make that real difference in helping serve the people of our community.
Our Pantry continues to serve more and more needy families. This past month we served over 1,191 people. We have 36 volunteers that donated 893.25 hours during the month of February. We picked up over 5,000 lbs. of food to help our needy families. Thank you to our volunteers who use their own vehicles to pick up that food. If you or you know of someone who would love to volunteer in any way, just drop by the pantry to let us know or call us 719-347-3062.
is”National Heart Month”, “National Noodle Month”, “National Celery/Cabbage Month” and “National Nutrition Month”.
This month’s recipes…