Our New Pantry HOURS …
    • Monday – 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
    • Tuesday thru Friday – 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
    • Saturday – 10:00 – noon ( Open -2nd and 4th Saturdays) (Closed on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays)
    • Mobile Pantry – 3rd Friday of the month, time will remain the same 9:00 to 1:00

You Could Make a Difference… Become a Volunteer

Eastern Plains Community Pantry is currently looking for individuals who would love to volunteer on a regular basis at our pantry.  We are in need and you may just be the person to help. Our Pantry continues to serve more families in need.  We have great volunteers and are looking for even more to help.  If you or you know of someone who would love to volunteer in any way, just drop by the pantry to let us know or call us 719-347-3062.  You can also email us at epcp2013@hotmail.com

  MOBILE FOOD INFORMATION …(3rd Fridays of the month)  Pick up is at the east door and the food box will be handed out to you. EVERYDAY EATS Supplemental Food Program INFORMATION (first of the month) Please note —Pick up for Every Day Eats (Seniors) For pickup, please drive to the east door and the food distribution will be handed out to you.     We always receive a variety of food for our patrons including several kinds of vegetables, rice, fruit, bread, etc.  
A Huge Thank You to all of you for your generous donations to the pantry.  Without your help, we could not provide and help those who are in need.  Thank you to Safeway and Woolsey’s Food Store for your support and generous donations during the Holiday Season.
 Thank you so much for your generous donations of food and clothing.  We ask that you please drop off items when we are open. Please do not leave them outside.  WISH LIST
  • Girl’s clothing size 3 and up.
  • Women’s jeans
  • monetary donations are accepted at all times
  • bed linen (sheets, blankets, etc)
  • sweaters,  jackets for adults and children
  • pots and pans
  • dishes
  • household small appliances
  • small children toys 
  • canned and boxed food items for our emergency food area
  • King Soopers customers to register their Community Rewards for EPCP
If you are wanting to donate items, just bring those items during our business hours.  We just ask that you do not leave those donations outside the front door as it creates a hazard for us and violates the town ordinance.

This month is:

  • Heart Awareness Month
  • National  Cheddar Month
  • National Chocolate Month
  • Cherry Pie Month
  • National Strawberry Month
  • National Cleanout your Computer Day – February 13th

  Just for You… 

  In these days of high egg prices, there are several things you can use as substitutes in cooking. A favorite for bread, cakes, and cookies is:
For every egg called for in the recipe, substitute 2 Tbsp. oil and 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar.
Other suggestions include:
For each egg in the recipe, substitute:
  • 1/4 c carbonated water
  • 1 T chia seeds soaked in 1-2 T water
  • 1 T ground flaxseed soaked in 1-2 T water
  • 1/4 c applesauce
  • 2 T arrowroot powder mixed into 3 T water
  • 1/4 c mashed ripe banana
  • 3T of the juice from a can of unsalted chickpeas

A New Way to Donate

If you shop on Amazon,  you can also donate to our Eastern Plains Community Pantry.  Be sure to use  smile.amazon.com  Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.  Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com.



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