Pantry Hours:
- ~Monday – Wednesday – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
- ~Thursday and Friday – 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
If you are in need of food and clothing, please visit our pantry.
This past month of April, the Pantry served over 1077 people and volunteers donated over 733 hours. We have 25 volunteers that regularly donated their time. If you or you know of someone who would love to volunteer, just drop by the pantry to let us know or call us 719-347-3062.
Congratulations! Thank you to all our volunteers for your many hours of service to make our pantry such a valuable resource for our community. (Click here to read more and see all previous honorees.)
Volunteers are the key to the success of the Eastern Plains Community Pantry (EPCP). You can make that real difference in helping serve the people of our community.
The Pantry Board thanks to all those wonderful people and organizations that have contributed to the operation of the Pantry. Your donations are a blessing to our community.
A Mountain View Electric Round Up grant has been approved for the Pantry. The money will be used to buy emergency food. The donations for emergency food have been great from Wal-Mart, Loaf and Jug, Mountain Springs Church and the Manna Pantry but funding is needed to fill in the gaps when providing emergency boxes. A variety of foods are needed and not all donations come in well rounded nutritious portions.
The pantry is in need of the following:
- clothing for Newborn to 24 month old children (high need)
- summer clothing,
- mens’ shirts
- men’s shorts
- jeans all sizes
- jackets for adults and children,
- blankets and bedding.
- books,
- pots, pans and kitchen items
- small children toys
Our pantry is looking for a portable air conditioner to be used in the back supply room and a used refrigerated van or small truck for help in getting food supplies to the pantry.
If you might have those items and would like to donate them, please drop them at the pantry.
EPCP will have a booth in the Calhan Summer Fest (7/13/18). This year, Summer Fest will be held at City Park. EPCP will offer a pulled pork dinner as a fundraiser for the Pantry. The price will be $9.00 for the full dinner (pulled pork sandwich, potato salad, baked beans, dessert and a drink).
JUNE is “National Flag Month”, “National Safety Month” and “National Dairy Month”.
This month’s recipes…